System Roles - How to Update Changelogs, Tag, and Release a Role Repo

We use Semantic Versioning for release numbering. We use the release number for the git tag and for the version number used when publishing to Ansible Galaxy

There are some helper scripts for updating changelogs, tagging, and publishing roles, and releasing a collection by converting the roles into a collection, checking, and publishing to Galaxy. See and

Version Number format

The version is required to be in the form X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers. For a new role, start at 0.0.1 until the code stabilizes. During this stabilization period, just increase the Z number for a new release. Once the code is stable, change the version to 1.0.0 and follow the normal semantic versioning rules. According to Semantic Versioning the X number should increase by 1 if there is a change which breaks the existing API, or other radical changes are made. The Y number should be increased by 1 if the API changes in a non-breaking way (e.g. adding a new parameter). The Z number should be increased by 1 for other changes, bug fixes, etc. If you increase the X number, be sure to change the Y and Z to 0. If you increase the Y number, be sure to change the Z to 0.

This includes the git tag - the git tag should be identical to the version number - do not use git tags like v1.1.0 or 1.1.0-rc - it must be strictly X.Y.Z.

Update changelogs, Create Git Tag, and Release on Github

Script is used to create a new version, tag, and release for a role. It will guide you through the process. It will show you the changes in the role since the last tag, and ask you what will be the new semantic version to use for the tag. It will then put the changes in a file to use for the update to the file for the new version, and put you in your editor to edit the file. If you are using this in conjunction with, it will push the changes to your repo and create a pull request for Once the PR is merged, there is github action automation to tag the repo with the version, create a github release, and import the new version into Ansible Galaxy.

For an example of a good changelog and the corresponding release, see—2022-11-01

The example network [1.10.0] shows all three sections have one or more items. If there are no items in a section, omit the section.

Publish on Ansible Galaxy

The github action automation should do everything for you - tag, github repo release, and publish to Galaxy.

If for some reason you need to manually publish a role, you must first ensure the role is tagged and there is a github release. Then, use

ansible-galaxy role import -vv --branch main linux-system-roles $ROLENAME

The Galaxy UI import method might also work. If you want to use that method:

Go to

Select your namespace e.g. linux-system-roles

Find the repository you are interested in. On the right hand side of the window will be a button called Import. Click this button to start importing. Galaxy will import and create releases for each release under$ROLENAME/releases. Once the import is complete, go to the role’s page on Galaxy e.g. You should see your release version listed under Versions. If you do not, check the import log for errors.

Test role install

Use ansible-galaxy role install linux-system-roles.$ROLENAME e.g. ansible-galaxy role install