
System Roles - Directories and Files

Each role repository is structured as an Ansible Role. The linked document has more information:

  • What is a role?
  • What is the directory structure?
  • What are the files used in the role? The role must have the file tasks/main.yml which is the main entry point of the role.
  • How to use a role, how to pass parameters to a role

NOTE: Not all system roles use all of these directories. For example, roles that do not provide modules will not have a library/ or module_utils/ directory.

In addition to these, system roles use the following:

  • - The main role description and role usage documentation. This should list the role requirements, dependencies, all of the role public API parameters, and examples of role usage.
  • examples/ - Example Ansible playbooks for different configurations.
  • meta/collection-requirements.yml - External collections used by the role. Install these with ansible-galaxy collection install -vv -r meta/collection-requirements.yml
  • module_utils/$ROLENAME_lsr/ - Scripts providing functionality used by the modules in library/. Note that every file in the library/ directory is a distinct Ansible module, and you cannot have subdirectories in library/, so any additional files you want to use to logically organize the code, or provide common functionality for more than one module, must be in the module_utils/$ROLENAME_lsr/ directory.
  • tests/ - Role unit tests, integration tests, and test helpers.
    • tests/tests_*.yml - Test playbooks
    • tests/unit/ - Python unit tests for roles that provide Python code
    • tests/tasks/ - Test helper code (e.g. common test setup, common verifications)
    • tests/playbooks/ - In some roles, the tests/tests_*.yml playbooks are wrappers around the actual playbooks in tests/playbooks/
    • tests/collection-requirements.yml - External collections used by the role tests, not used at runtime. Install these with ansible-galaxy collection install -vv -r tests/collection-requirements.yml

Using tox and tox-lsr

All checks and tests can be run with tox. You will typically install this using your platform packages e.g. dnf install python3-tox. You can also install this using pip e.g. pip install tox --user (and you will need to install pip using your platform packages e.g. dnf install python3-pip).

We use a special linux-system-roles tox plugin called tox-lsr which provides all of the linters, unit test runners, qemu/kvm test runners, etc. See the for information about how to install and use this plugin.

After making changes, you should run tox to check that your changes conform to project coding standards. Otherwise, your pull request will likely fail one or more CI tests.

You can run individual tests e.g. tox -e ansible-lint

Running tests with tox-lsr and qemu

You can run the test playbooks in tests/tests_*.yml with tox and tox-lsr using qemu/kvm.

  • Install tox and tox-lsr (see above)
  • Use yum or dnf to install standard-test-roles-inventory-qemu
  • Download the config file to ~/.config/linux-system-roles.json from here

Assuming you are in a git clone of a role repo which has a tox.ini file - you can use e.g.

tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.14 -- --image-name centos-9 tests/tests_default.yml

NOTE: This will download a qcow image to ~/.cache/linux-system-roles. The first time you do this it will take a while, and it will appear that tox is not doing anything. Check the contents of the cache directory to see the file download progress. For subsequent runs, tox will check if the qcow image is up-to-date, and will automatically download a new image if the current image is not up-to-date.

There are many command line options and environment variables which can be used to control the behavior, and you can customize the testenv in tox.ini. See

Running a qemu test will create a directory named artifacts/ in the current directory which may contain additional logs useful for debugging.

If you want to configure and run integration tests without using tox, use a cloud image like the CentOS 8.1 VM and execute the command and download the package standard-test-roles-inventory-qemu from the Fedora repository:

dnf install standard-test-roles-inventory-qemu

Then cd tests to change to the tests subdirectory, and run the test playbook like this:

ansible-playbook -vv -i /usr/share/ansible/inventory/standard-inventory-qcow2

Replace tests_default.yml with the actual test you want to run.

Writing Good Ansible Code and Tests

Please refer to Recommended Practices for recommended practices to follow while making a contribution.

The following sections are a good place to start:

Python plugin development

For Python code, in the source file, the imports will generally come first, followed by constants, classes, and methods. The style of python coding for this project is PEP 8, with automatic formatting thanks to Python Black. Use tox -e black to run formatting tests, and also tox -e flake8.

Unit tests should go into the tests/unit/ directory. You can use tox -e py$VER to run the tests with a specific version of Python e.g. tox -e py39.

Configuring Git

Before starting to contribute, make sure you have the basic git configuration: Your name and email. This will be useful when signing your contributions. The following commands will set your global name and email, although you can change it later per repo:

git config --global "Jane Doe"
git config --global`

The git editor is your system’s default. If you feel more comfortable with a different editor for writing your commits (such as Vim), change it with:

git config --global core.editor vim

If you want to check your settings, use git config --list to see all the settings Git can find.

You are strongly encouraged to use gh, the official GitHub CLI. This will allow you to fork repos, submit pull requests, and much more, without leaving the comfort of your cli.

How to submit a pull request

  1. Make a fork of the role repository. For example:
    gh repo clone linux-system-roles/network
    cd network
    gh repo fork
  2. Create a new git branch on your local fork (the name is not relevant) and make the changes you need to complete an issue.

  3. Do not forget to run unit and integration tests before pushing any changes! See above for how to use tox and tox-lsr to run checks and tests.
  • For Python code, check the formatting of the code with Python Black using tox -e black,flake8.

  • Check the Ansible files are correctly formatted using tox -e ansible-lint.

  • Check your integration tests e.g. tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.14 -- --image-name centos-9 tests/tests_mynewtest.yml

  1. Once the work is ready, create a git commit. Use git commit -s to create a signed commit. See below Write a good commit message.

  2. Push the branch to your remote fork. The response message will usually contain a link and instructions about how to use the GitHub UI to submit a pull request. You can also use gh: gh create PR This will prompt you for which repo is the upstream, which one is your private one, the PR title and body (default is to use the git commit message), and if you want the PR to be a Draft or not.

  3. Check the CI test results. If there are any errors, fix them and re-push your commits. If there is no problem with your contribution, the maintainer will merge it to the main project. A project maintainer will review the PR and add a [citest] comment to run integration tests.

Some important tips

  • Make sure your fork and branch are up-to-date with the main project. First of all, configure a remote upstream for your fork, and keep your branch up-to-date with the upstream using git pull --rebase upstream main

  • Try to make a commit per issue.

  • If you are asked to make changes to your PR, don’t panic! Many times it is enough to amend your previous commit adding the new content to it (git commit --amend). Be sure to pull the latest upstream changes after that, and use git push --force-with-lease to re-upload your commit with the changes! Note that PRs can squash the commits into 1 when merging squashing commits.

  • There are times when someone has made changes on a file you were modifying while you were making changes to your unfinished commit. At times like this, you need to make a rebase with conflicts. On the rebase you have to compare what the other person added to what you added, and merge both file versions into one that combines it all.

  • If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to ask! You can join IRC channel #systemroles on, or ask on the PR/issue itself.

Write a good commit message

Here are some general best practice rules taken from chris beams git commit. You may want to read this for a more detailed explanation (and links to other posts on how to write a good commit message). This content is licensed under CC-BY-SA.

  1. Separate the subject from the body with a blank line
  2. Limit the subject line to 50 characters
  3. Capitalize the subject line
  4. Do not end the subject line with a period
  5. Use the imperative mood in the subject line
  6. Wrap the body at 72 characters
  7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

A good commit message looks something like this

Summarize changes in around 50 characters or less

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72
characters or so. In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of the commit and the rest of the text as the body. The
blank line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless
you omit the body entirely); various tools like `log`, `shortlog`
and `rebase` can get confused if you run the two together.

Explain the problem that this commit is solving. Focus on why you
are making this change as opposed to how (the code explains that).
Are there side effects or other unintuitive consequences of this
change? Here's the place to explain them.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

 - Bullet points are okay, too

 - Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, preceded
   by a single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions
   vary here

If you use an issue tracker, put references to them at the bottom,
like this:

Resolves: rhbz#123456

Do not forget to sign your commit! Use git commit -s.

Now continue to the following section to write a good PR title and description.

Write a good PR title and description

For PR titles, system roles follow the Conventional Commits format, repositories have a Commitlint GitHub action that ensures that all PR titles follow the format. It makes it possible to generate the changelog and update the release version fully automatically.

Note that we ensure the conventional commits format only on PR titles and not on commits to let developers keep commit messages targeted for other developers i.e. describe actual changes to code that users should not care about. And PR titles, on the contrary, must be aimed at end users.

We automatically collect PR titles and descriptions to changelog and release notes based on the set type. Therefore, please ensure that you write PR titles and descriptions properly and treat them as a customer facing content.

PR titles format

PR titles should be structured as follows:

<required type><optional !>: <your PR title>

Here are rules that you must follow while writing a conventional PR title:

  1. You must include a type of the change at the beginning of the title, followed by a colon and a space, e.g. feat: <your PR title>.

    The type feat MUST be used when you add a new feature. The type fix MUST be used when you fix a bug. Other allowed types are build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refractor, revert, style, test, tests. Let us know if you want to add some other type to the allowed list.

    Considering Semantic Versioning:

    • The type feat correlates with MINOR
    • All other types correlate with PATCH
    • For MAJOR, see point 2 below.

    Considering changelog and release notes categories:

    • The type feat correlates with New Features
    • The type fix correlates with Bug Fixes
    • All other types correlate with Other Changes
  2. You must mark PRs that introduce a breaking API change by appending ! after the type, e.g. fix!: <your PR title>. Considering Semantic Versioning, this correlates with MAJOR. A BREAKING CHANGE can be part of PR of any type.

PR description format

For the PR description, write it as a release not that you want end users to see. When creating a PR, you will see the following template, please fill it in to ensure that users get informed about what causes the change and how to make use of it:




Issue Tracker Tickets (Jira or BZ if any):

Example PR title and desctiption

feat: Support custom data and logs storage paths

Enhancement: Custom data and logs storage paths

Reason: Previously, the role was configuring the default data and logs storage paths.

Result: Currently, you can optionally provide custom storage paths with variables mssql_datadir and mssql_logdir. And optionally set permissions for the custom paths with mssql_datadir_mode and mssql_logdir_mode variables.

Issue Tracker Tickets (Jira or BZ if any):

Debugging Integration Tests

For debugging, use tox with qemu (see above), and use the --debug flag.

tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.14 -- --image-name centos-9 --debug tests/tests_mytest.yml
grep ssh artifacts/default_provisioners.log | tail -1

Then use that ssh command to log into the VM.

For the manual method, use TEST_DEBUG=true. Remember that the last path is one of the test you want to run.

cd tests
TEST_SUBJECTS=CentOS-8-GenericCloud-8.1.1911-20200113.3.x86_64.qcow2 \
ansible-playbook -vv -i /usr/share/ansible/inventory/standard-inventory-qcow2 \

Using debug will allow you to ssh into the managed host after the test has run. It will print out instructions about the exact command to use to ssh, and how to destroy the managed host after you are done. Or, check the artifacts/default_provisioners.log for the ssh command.

When you are done with the VM, use pkill -f standard-inventory to destroy the VM and clean up.

CI Testing in GitHub Pull Requests

There are many tests run when you submit a PR. Some of them are immediately triggered when pushing new content to a PR (i.e. the tests hosted on Github Actions such as Ansible Lint), while other need to be triggered by members of the project. The latter are typically the integration tests - CI runs all of the tests in tests/tests_*.yml with a couple of versions of Ansible and on several platforms (the ones listed in your meta/main.yml). Platforms that the role does not support will report the status as Passed with a message like “role does not support this platform”. The integration tests need to be triggered by a project maintainer. To trigger them, write a command as a PR comment. The available commands are:

  • [citest] - Trigger a re-test for all machines.
  • [citest bad] - Trigger a re-test for all machines with an error or failure status.
  • [citest pending] - Trigger a re-test for all machines with a pending status.
  • [citest commit:<sha1>] - specify a commit to be tested if the submitter is not trusted.
  • [citest skip] - if you have a change to the documentation, or otherwise it would be a waste of time to do integration CI testing on your change, you can put [citest skip] in the title of your pull request. This will save a lot of time.

Blog Post Contribution

Create a new file in the blog/_posts/ directory. The file should be in markdown format, and the filename should begin with the date in this format - YYYY-MM-DD- - and end in .md. The file should begin with a header like this:

layout: post
title: "The Title of My Post"
section: Blog
author: Your Name
category: talk

Change the values for the title, date, and author fields. Use category: release if this is an announcement of a new release. NOTE: If you have examples of Jinja2 templates in your blog post e.g. an excerpt from an Ansible file, you should enclose the code using raw and endraw directives:

<!-- {% raw %} -->
Ansible/jinja2 goes here
<!-- {% endraw %} -->

Then submit a PR to - once your PR is merged, it may take a few minutes before it is published at NOTE: If you are viewing the above in plain text or github markdown render, replace the lcub template with { and the rcub template with }.

Update Changelogs, Tag, and Release a Role Repo

Tagging and releasing a role repo is now automated by updating the file. Please see /documentation/howto/tag-and-release-role for more details.

How to reach us

The mailing list for developers:

Subscribe to the mailing list

Archive of the mailing list

If you are using IRC, join the [#systemroles](irc:// IRC channel on

Thanks for contributing and happy coding!!